Jason Marquez

Aristocrat Plastic Surgery & MedAesthetics is an outstanding facility operated by Dr. Kevin Tehrani and his amazing staff. The NYC office is an absolutely stunning duplex with the highest-quality features, offering an expansive terrace with unobstructed views of the sky and nestled around a picturesque waterfall, providing a tranquil oasis in the heart of midtown manhattan. Dr. Tehrani is a confident, smart, honest, successful and straight-to-the point practitioner. He assuaged all of my anxiety by his compassionate demeanor, taking the time to answer all of my questions during consultation, pre-op and post-op. Notwithstanding his 18 years’ dedication in practice and achievements of being a valued lecturer, educator and Chief Resident of plastic and reconstructive surgery, he is absolutely without pretense and makes you feel treasured. Kristin Tennerello, who serves as a Patient Coordinator at the facility, is an essential gem to the practice, and without whom, I would be lost and arguably would not have committed to the procedures I recently underwent. Naturally, for people without the financial wherewithal to undergo extensive plastic surgery at whim, Kristin truly made my dreams a reality: this included offering me a financing program at 0% APR for a term that worked best for me; providing me with multiple quotes of varying procedures so I could see all available options to make a reasoned decision; and managing my expectations through highly informed and detailed discussions and presenting me with relevant before-and-after pictures, showcasing Dr. Tehrani’s mastery. Beyond the initial consultation, working out the financials, managing my pre on post-op care, and setting my appointments, she availed herself to me when I was scared to undergo a COVID nasal swab for the first time and when I called for her after being woken from the anesthesia on the day of my surgery. Kristin, in my opinion, is the strongest asset to Dr. Tehrani’s practice. Carla Gomez, who serves as a Nurse at the facility, is very gentle and caring. In addition to administering my COVID test and preparing me for surgery, she tended to my bandages, compression garment, and cleaned all my wounds on my post-op appointment. She sensed that I was very scared and in pain, and before I left the office that day –I’ll never forget–she gave me a warm hug which not only surprised me but made me feel better instantaneously. Aristocrat Plastic Surgery & MedAesthetics is truly an amazing facility with the most professional and warm staff. Dr. Tehrani’s results are remarkable and unparalleled, and through this testimony, I verily affirm that his practice is the pinnacle of excellence and I highly recommend his practice for any and all of your cosmetic and reconstructive procedures.

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