patricia warren

cant say enough about the fantastic staff working there…..i’m in my late 60’s, had abdominoplasty 6 yrs. ago. very happy with it. recently had medical test go bad, needed surgery. they left a mess of scars and totally ruined my great abdominoplasty. most plastic surgeons wouldn’t even consider me for a patient. Dr. Terhani took a look and agreed to help. did great job on the scars….much better now…:) but this time i had a complication that sometimes arises with such surgery. we’re still just waiting to see if it will resolve itself, or if corrective surgery will be needed. it will be six months in january, so i will know then. also, it definitely is not nearly as flat as it was first time around, but i am closer to 70 than 65, and the most important thing is that the scars are SO MUCH better…. i am greatful for the vast improvement of the scars i had i definitely would recommend dr. t and his entire staff.

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