Top Rated Tummy Tuck in New York

You lost the weight or had a baby and are left with a little reminder in your mid-section of your previous state. You are left with a body where gravity has too much impact. Your jeans are uncomfortable, and the mirror may be a bit unkind.

Is a Tummy Tuck Right For You?

Stretch marks and excess skin after pregnancy, or massive weight loss is more common than you think. Daily, New Yorkers contact us with a similar story. They diet, exercise, or had a successful weight loss journey, only to be left with another issue. If you are unhappy with excess skin and fat deposits in the abdominal area, we understand, and can help

A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is your best option. If you have excess skin and muscle laxity in your abdominal area, we can tighten your abdominal wall, and remove excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen. All stretch marks and scars will disappear below your belly button, leaving you with the flat stomach you’ve been dreaming about.

Mini-tummy tucks and full tummy tucks are offered at New York’s Aristocrat Plastic Surgery & MedAesthetic according to your needs. Your surgery is customized for your unique anatomy. Dr. Tehrani will discuss the options with you during your consultation.

Tummy tucks are usually performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. After general anesthesia is administered, you will be unconscious for the duration of the surgery, approximately 4 hrs. No pain will be experienced nor will you have any memory of the procedure.

Lateral Tension Abdominoplasty (LTA) uses a bikini line or low incision. The technique allows Dr. Tehrani to tighten the entire abdominal area, including the upper thighs. Excess skin is removed, and liposuction is performed to remove excess fat. The abdominal muscles are also tightened.

LTA naturally preserves the blood supply to the abdomen and lowers the risks associated with traditional tummy tuck techniques.

Mini-tummy tuck uses a smaller, lower incision, and the navel is not moved, as in a full tummy tuck. This technique is effective for people who only have excess skin and fat below the belly button.

Liposuction is used to remove excess fat, and the abdominal muscles are tightened, if necessary. Because this technique is less invasive, recovery time is shorter.

Extended tummy tuck is a technique used for those who have significant loose skin in the midsection. This is frequently needed after massive weight loss/post-bariatric surgery. “Extended” refers to the length of the incision.

Essentially, the incision needs to extend as far as the loose skin to be removed. Here, the incision may need to extend farther to the sides than in a customary tummy tuck, or 360 degrees to remove loose skin from the back as well.

Excess fat is removed via liposuction, and the muscles of the abdomen are tightened accordingly.

Fleur de Lis Abdominoplasty is so named because the incisions end up looking like the shape of the French signet. Rather than just an incision that runs laterally across the abdomen, an additional vertical incision is made to address the patient’s skin laxity in the abdominal wall area. It is usually recommended for patients who have had weight loss surgery, or lost a significant amount of weight on their own. Liposuction is also used with this technique, as well as abdominal muscles tightened.

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Who Is A Candidate for Tummy Tuck?

Tummy tuck surgery is available to both men and women who are healthy, weight is stable, and non-smokers.

Women who have stretched muscles and skin after pregnancies find tummy tuck useful to restore pre-pregnancy contours. It is also an alternative for men and women who were obese and have loose skin, and fat deposits in the abdominal area.

Your Tummy Tuck Consultation

At New York based Aristocrat Plastic Surgery & MedAesthetic your aesthetic surgery is an experience where you have input. Your experience begins the moment you contact our office. Our professional team will do all in their power to ensure a concise understanding of the procedure, and its expected results. At your initial consultation, you will receive the focused attention of your personal patient coordinator, one of our professional nurses, and Dr. Tehrani himself.

Your consultation is valuable. You will be given a thorough medical examination, and if you are a suitable candidate, we will discuss your goals, explore treatment options, and figure out what procedure will work best for you. We encourage you to bring photos to show us the results you wish to achieve. This helps Dr. Tehrani understand your desired result, and share with you reasonable expectations.

The risks, benefits, and expected recovery will be discussed at length. This is the time for you to share your concerns and ask questions. You will not be rushed, or cut short for insufficient time.


Meet Dr. Kevin Tehrani, MD FACS

Top plastic surgeon Dr. Kevin Tehrani is the founder and director of Aristocrat Plastic Surgery. He values reaching the highest levels of achievement in reconstructive and plastic surgical training, continuing education and clinical experience. Your comprehensive consultation will be exceedingly informative, clear, balanced and there will be plenty of opportunity to discuss all your concerns.

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Before Surgery – As with all surgeries there are things you must do to be prepared. Avoid blood thinners like ibuprofen, aspirin, and Tylenol for two weeks prior, and two weeks after surgery. If you have medical issues like asthma or diabetes, get medical clearance beforehand.  If you are older than 50, you will need an EKG performed. If you smoke, stop!

Your tummy tuck will be performed at our accredited facility.  Please visit Tara as she gives you a guided tour of our surgical facility. A board-certified anesthesiologist will administer your general anesthesia.

After Surgery – Most patients are ready to go back to work after 2 weeks. If your job is physically demanding, you may need to take more time off, or request light duty.

What to Expect in a Tummy Tuck


Tummy Tuck Recovery

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Abdominoplasty recovery differs depending upon the patient and the technique used, but most people take at least a week off from work. Others need to take two or three weeks. Dr. Tehrani can give you an assessment of the time you will need based on your surgical plan.

You will experience some bruising, swelling, and tenderness for several days at which time you will see the final result of your surgery. New York based Dr. Tehrani may prescribe a lymphatic massage to some patients. Pain medication will be prescribed to manage pain during recovery.

Dr. Tehrani will monitor your progress and see you for follow-up appointments at his New York or Great Neck office. We will also, provide you with full post-operative instructions in terms of how to care for your incisions, and bathing instructions.

Whatever type of surgery performed, LTA, Mini, Extended, or Fluer de Lis, your abdominal area will be stitched and bandaged. A firm elastic bandage will be applied to the area of incision. You must follow Dr. Tehrani’s instructions on care for this area, in the days following your surgery. You will also be instructed on how to best position your self for rest and sleep.

You must limit strenuous physical activity for a minimum of 4 weeks. You should take at least 2 weeks off work, but 4 would be better.

Taking Care of Yourself After Surgery


Tummy Tuck Cost

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You tummy tuck surgery will be unique to your specific body. All tummy procedures performed at our accredited facility are custom tailored to our individual patients. There isn’t any standard tummy tuck cost as the pricing varies by anatomic type and other factors.

For more specific information about the cost of tummy tuck New York, and available financing options, please call (212) 439-9900 in Manhattan, or  (516) 498-9790 on Long Island.

Pain and swelling are common after tummy tuck surgery. Soreness may last for several weeks or months.

You could experience numbness, bruising, and overall fatigue for that same time period. With any surgery there are risks involved. These may include:

  • Scarring
  • Hematoma (bleeding)
  • Infection
  • Seroma (accumulation of fluid)
  • Poor wound healing
  • Loss of skin
  • Blood clots
  • Numbness or other changes in sensation
  • Risks related to anesthesia
  • Changes in skin color
  • Long-lasting swelling
  • Fat necrosis (death of fatty tissue located deep in the skin)
  • Wound separation
  • Asymmetry (unevenness or lopsidedness)

This is why choosing the right plastic surgeon is crucial to your overall success and comfort during the tummy tuck procedure.

Surgery Complications


Choosing Your Tummy Tuck Surgeon

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The first and most important decision for tummy tuck surgery is choosing your surgeon. Whether in New York or Great Neck, you must consider:

  • Are they board certified?
  • Do they have adequate experience?
  • Will the surgery be performed at an accredited facility?
  • Do they provide before and after pictures?
  • Are they experienced in the different tummy tuck techniques available, like mini tummy tuck surgery, LTA, extended, and Fleur de Lis?
  • During consultation, are they attentive, and listen to your concerns.

These are important questions to ask for peace of mind. You must be confident in your surgeon’s abilities, and comfortable with the procedures recommended. They should be friendly, and professional. Their staff should be qualified, and compassionate.

Dr. Tehrani became the Chief Resident in General Surgery during his residency at New York’s Beth Israel Medical Center. He continued his postgraduate training in plastic and reconstructive surgery at Kansas University Medical Center, where he served as Chief Resident once again.

Dr. Tehrani uses his vast knowledge of plastic surgery to provide instructional courses in aesthetic surgery and laser applications. He has presented both nationally and internationally at major medical symposia. Dr. Tehrani has been published in leading peer-reviewed scientific journals, cementing his standing as one of New York’s premier plastic surgeons.

Awards and Certifications

  • Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery
  • Fellow of American College of Surgeons
  • Top 10 Plastic Surgeons in NY
  • RealSelf Top 10
  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons Member
  • American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Member
  • Expert Injector

Why Aristocrat Plastic Surgery?

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