Ear Surgery

Is Ear Surgery/Otoplasty Right For You?
Ear surgery, also known as otoplasty is typically performed to serve two functions: setting protruding ears back closer to the head, and reducing the size of overly large ears. Otoplasty may also be helpful for shell ears, lop ears, cupped ears, large or stretched earlobes, and lobes with noticeable irregularities. Plastic surgery can also construct new ears for patients who are missing them from injury or other causes.

Who Is A Candidate for Ear Surgery?
Although otoplasty for adults and teenagers is available, otoplasty is most often performed on children, generally 4-5 years old, or when a child’s ear cartilage is stable enough for correction. Ears are almost fully grown by age four, and early ear surgery can prevent a psychological trauma from the teasing of classmates.

Who is a Surgery Candidate? | Procedure | Before/After Galleries | Surgery Benefits

Otoplasty lasts from 2-3 hours and may be performed in a hospital, office-based facility or an outpatient surgery center. General anesthesia is recommended for children, while local anesthesia and a sedative are used for older children, teenagers and adults.
During Otoplasty, a small incision is made behind the ear, revealing the cartilage which is then sculpted, bent into its new position and stitched into place.
The recovery period is very short, as patients of all ages usually feel back to normal after a few hours, although the ears may ache for a few days. Bandages are replaced with a surgical dressing after a few days, and stitches are removed within a week. Adults often return to work in 5 days and children may return to school in 7 days. Otoplasty leaves a barely visible scar on each ear that fades with time.
What Is The Ear Surgery Procedure

Meet Dr. Kevin Tehrani, MD FACS
Benefits of Ear Surgery
Some of the benefits of associated with ear surgery are:
Restores the harmony of the face
Creates natural ear folds
Improves self-esteem
»Contact us today about Ear Surgery in Manhattan or Long Island.

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Asked Questions
Who is a candidate for ear surgery?
Children and adults who are self-conscious about protruding or large ears may benefit, provided they are in good health.
How is otoplasty performed?
Through incisions typically placed behind the ear, cartilage is reshaped or repositioned closer to the head for a more balanced look.
What is the recovery like?
Swelling and mild discomfort can last a few days. A protective bandage is worn initially, and most can return to school or work in about a week.
Is there an age limit?
Ear surgery can be done as early as age 5 or 6, once the ears are mostly developed, and there’s no upper age limit for healthy adults.
Are results permanent?
Yes, in most cases, the improvements are long-lasting and often permanent.