Dr. Kristine Blanche Discusses Thermography on News 12 Long Island


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Aristocrat Plastic Surgery & MedAesthetics’ very own integrative medical practitioner and holistic provider Dr. Kristine Blanche, who specializes in services such as vitamin deficiencies, nutrition counseling, hormonal imbalances, and general health and well-being, made a guest appearance on News 12 Long Island to discuss Thermography and how it can be used as a screening for conditions that lead to breast cancer.

In the video, Dr. Blanche demonstrates the results of two painless Thermography procedures on a patient that has fibrocystic breasts, a condition that increases the risk of breast cancer. The first Thermography procedure clearly shows a presence of problematic areas, colored red, and the second procedure shows a dramatic reduction of the problematic areas, colored green. Dr. Blanche credits the reduction of problematic areas to the patient’s improved diet, exercise and consumption of key supplements, including Iodine and Vitamin D3.

Dr. Blanche further explains that Thermography is not just a screening tool, but an empowering procedure that offers clear proof that the fibrocystic breast condition can be reversed, and that breast cancer can be prevented.

 Schedule your consultation for Thermography at Aristocrat Plastic Surgery & MedAesthetics, HERE.

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