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Facial Liposuction vs. Kybella: Which Treatment Is Right for Me?

Chubby cheeks? Double chin? If you have unwanted fat on the face or neck, come to Aristocrat Plastic Surgery and explore your options. We offer both Kybella and facial liposuction, two powerful options for eliminating those unwanted bulges. Which option is right for you?

Facial Liposuction: Remove Unwanted Fat from the Cheeks, Chin, Neck, and More

Are you bothered by unwanted facial fat? For many men and women, the face is one of the first areas to develop unwanted fat pockets, and once you have them, they are extremely difficult to lose. You don’t have to be overweight to have unwanted facial fat. A double chin or chubby cheeks often develop as part of the natural aging process.

The good news is, this unwanted fat can be removed. Facial liposuction removes fat from the face, often in areas like the cheeks, chin, jawline, and neck. A small incision is made in an inconspicuous location through which a small cannula is inserted. Gentle suction removes the unwanted fat, permanently eliminating those fat cells. Dr. Tehrani has extensive experience performing facial liposuction and is well known for his natural looking results.

Choose facial liposuction if:

  • You have unwanted fat on the face (potential treatment areas include cheeks, chin, neck, jawline, etc.).
  • You want to treat one or more areas simultaneously.
  • You want results in just one treatment.
  • You want lasting, natural-looking results.

Facial liposuction is a surgical procedure, but downtime is generally minimal. Results are lasting and potentially lifelong. Avoid weight fluctuations after treatment for the best results.

Kybella: Ditch that Double Chin Without Surgery!

Kybella is a new, non-surgical option for eliminating fat under the chin. This treatment is an injectable treatment. Deoxycholic acid, a natural substance that aids in the breakdown of dietary fat, is injected under the chin in a series of small injections. The treatment breaks down unwanted fat cells, allowing the body to process and remove this unwanted fat. Results do take a bit of time to appear and you may need 3-4 treatment sessions to see the full results. Downtime is minimal and most often occurs after the first treatment.

Kybella may be the right option for you if:

  • You have unwanted fat under the chin (submental fullness).
  • You want a non-surgical treatment option.
  • You want to minimize downtime.
  • You want lasting, natural-looking results.

Kybella can help you avoid surgery, while obtaining stunning results. Many of our patients have been able to use Kybella as an alternative to liposuction or a necklift. This treatment doesn’t tighten loose skin and works best on patients with good skin elasticity. Results are lasting.

Will you choose Kybella or liposuction to fight your unwanted facial fat? Schedule your consultation with Dr. Tehrani for personalized advice and to learn more about your treatment options. If hitting the gym isn’t getting rid of your facial fat, come see us!

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