wilens cassamajor
I’m a 35 year old male and have been working out in the gym for a while now trying to get a six pack but despite the exercise and diet it’s been so difficult. I then decided to look into getting 360 liposuction. After doing some research I stumbled upon Dr. Tehrani’s YouTube channel. I went through every single video, along with reviews and I noticed there was a lot of people having positive results. Therefore I decided to come in for an appointment. After meeting with Dr. Tehrani I knew right away I wanted to move forward so I paid my deposit and book a surgery date! The surgery went smoothly, the staff was very friendly and accommodating. Recovery wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be – I went back to work three days later. Now i’m 3 months post-op and am feeling great! I’m very happy with my results. Despite minor swelling which Dr. Tehrani said would go away very soon, I’m already seeing my six pack come through. I would highly recommend Dr. Tehrani to any men (or women) that would be interested in undergoing a procedure. I encourage all men who are thinking about undergoing plastic surgery to go forward because it was the best decision I’ve made!