Q&A: What Are The Risks Of Fat Grafting or Silicone Implants?


“I am schedule to have my BA on march 29th and I’m starting to have doubts and scared especially from everything I have read that could go wrong. I know you can always have your implants out but I don’t want my breast looking worse. I just started looking into fat grafting and it seems safer. I only want to go up one cup size and would like more fullness in the top part of my breast. I’m having the BA done since I have lost volume from losing weight and having a breast reduction, so confused.”, asked a RealSelf user.

Autologous Fat Transfer to the breasts is a great option for many patients. Best candidates are patients who have some breast tissue (a B cup to start) and wish to have a modest (not more than one cup) size increase. You need to be evaluated and risks assessed. For example I don’t do AFT on patients with history of breast cancer or mammogram abnormalities. Best of luck.”, explained Aristocrat’s certified surgeon Dr. Kevin Tehrani, M.D., F.A.C.S.

If you have more questions, or you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Tehrani, please call us!

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