Aristocrat Model

Q&A: Will Lip Augmentation Make My Lips Close Naturally?

“My lips have never touched at rest. My bottom lip is very full and my top lip quite thin, so I was wondering if I got my top lip augmented, maybe my lips would close naturally. I can force them to close, but then my chin looks odd- dimpled from mentalis strain. The lip incompetency really messes up how I …

Aristocrat Woman Smiling

Q&A: Could You Use Latisse for Growing Eyebrows As Well?

“Could you use latisse for growing eyebrows as well?”, asks a RealSelf user. “Latisse works well with eyebrows. Many women in their youth ‘over plucked” their eyebrows. As women age thin eyebrows and lashes make a woman appear older. Using Latisse on the eyebrows (one drop each brow daily) will result in eyebrow hair growth if the hair follicle is …

Aristocrat Model

Q&A: What’s the Best Lip Enhancement and Plumping?

“What’s the Best Lip Enhancement and Plumping? What options do I have for lip augmentation?“, asks a RealSelf user. “Restylane is FDA approved for lip augmentation. Hyluronics such as Restylane, Juvederm and Perlane are used to enhance lips. Typically I recommend Restylane for a patient new to lip plumping which creates a natural soft lip augmentation. In some patients I …

Aristocrat Model

Q&A: Is The Bump On The Bottom Of My Upper Lip After Hyaluronic Acid Injecton Permanent?

I had my upper lip done 3 days ago, injected with Hyaluronic acid, explains a RealSelf user. “The doctor injected the middle of my lip a bit too much and now my right side tubercle is hanging from my lip! Is it inflamed? Will it go away or will it stay like this forever? This is not the first time …