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Q&A: What Can I Expect From 350/375cc HP Silicone Implants?

“I am 105lbs, 5’2″, have a 28in rib cage and a BWD of 11. I am looking at Mentor HP silicone implants 350/375cc’s. Do you think that the 375cc implants would look OK on my frame, and do you think that placing an implant that has a base of 12 on me when I have a BWD of 11 is …

Aristocrat Breast Augmentation

Q&A: What Are The Risks Of Fat Grafting or Silicone Implants?

“I am schedule to have my BA on march 29th and I’m starting to have doubts and scared especially from everything I have read that could go wrong. I know you can always have your implants out but I don’t want my breast looking worse. I just started looking into fat grafting and it seems safer. I only want to …