Aristocrat Liposuction

Q&A: Best Way to Explant Cohesive Gel Implants 10 Years Later?

“I have had small 270cc cohesive gel implants over the muscle for 10 years. I now wish to remove and not replace. I am not symptomatic nor do I believe they have ruptured. Should I insist on en bloc removal? I am in the UK not many surgeons do this procedure. Thank you.”, asked a RealSelf user. “Unless there is …

Aristocrat Massage

Q&A: Is Lipolite Best For My Neck?

“Is Lipolite Best for my Neck? Would a Lipolite procedure lift/tighten my neck significantly? At least 75% lift? 90%? Or do you recommend another procedure? I am 59 almost 60 in very good health. Many thanks.”, asks a RealSelf user. “While you are a better candidate for a face/neck lift to get 90-100% result, you may not want to undergo …