
Your Tummy Tuck Questions Answered by Top Plastic Surgeon in NYC

Tired of loose, saggy skin in your midsection due to pregnancy or weight loss? Then you’ve probably been considering a tummy tuck. Let us answer some questions you may have about tummy tucks by a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Kevin Tehrani.   WHAT IS A TUMMY TUCK? A Tummy Tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure to remove …

Beautiful woman enjoying summer vacation

Vertical, Crescent and Periareolar Breast Lift Scars: See for Yourself

The golden age for over-the-top, outrageously vulgar breast augmentation has passed—more and more patients nowadays turn to the option of “making the best of what they’ve got”, instead of relying on implants. An extremely popular option among women who’ve undergone pregnancy or whose breasts have lowered over time, a breast lift removes a portion of the stretched skin and some of the …


What Causes Sudden Under Eye Wrinkles, and How to Get Rid of Them

There’s a breakpoint in each and everyone’s lives when looking in the mirror after a night’s sleep stops being a silent cheer and instead becomes a reality check. The cheeks look alright. The teeth you’ve recently done. But the wrinkles… The wrinkles give it all away. Funnily enough, wrinkles around the eyes are scientifically shown to signal friendliness and sincerity. …

aristocrat model

How to Prevent Face Sagging When You’re 30

Sagging cheeks and neck is never something you want to see in the mirror. Unfortunately, as our bodies age, we produce dramatically less collagen and elastin—two most important elements responsible for firm, elastic skin. Luckily, anti-aging skin strategies are some of the oldest problems the humanity has tackled. Even Ancient Egyptians knew about the magical effects of aloe vera—which they …


17 U.S. and Korean Superstars Who’ve Had Plastic Surgery Young

Plastic and cosmetic surgeries are often portrayed in a negative limelight—especially when it comes to famous young people. More often than not, natural beauty proponents tend to label plastic and cosmetic surgeries as something unnatural and even shameful, while, in reality, many of the world’s best surgical procedures are oriented at enhancing the patient’s natural facial traits and their beauty, rather than building them into …