Dr Kevin Tehrani

Achieve Bigger, Fuller Breasts Naturally with Dr. Kevin Tehrani

When most patients think about breast augmentation, they often think of traditional breast implants. However, it is now possible to achieve fuller breasts naturally with a fat transfer procedure. Recently, Dr. Tehrani sat with eHealth Radio to discuss fat injections into the breasts and how they work to help patients achieve their aesthetic goals. Listen to this interview with Eric Michaels and …

breast fat transfer

I Keep Hearing About Natural Breast Augmentation. Tell Me More!

Do you ever wish you could do a fat swap—moving fat from one area (like the thighs) and transferring it to the breasts? Natural breast augmentation, also known as breast fat injection, could be the solution. This treatment takes fat from an area with excess and moves it to the breasts to add natural volume. This treatment is ideal for …

woman buttoning bra

Would I Need a Breast Lift or Breast Augumentation?

Being attractive and beautiful is a reasonable desire for every women, although nature can deal some uncomfortable cards like saggy breasts and no cleavage. This is where plastic surgery comes in to help, providing modernized and safe cosmetic procedures for breast lift or breast augmentation, depending on the individual needs. This two safe surgical procedure can help women regain their …


Should I Do Breast Lift And Breast Augmentation, Or Just A Lift?

Breast fat injection can be a good solution for women who are satisfied with the size of their breasts, but who want to enhance their breasts, and make them more beautiful with a breast lift. The transferring fat from another area of your body increases breast fullness and provide more natural feel, as well as eliminating the risk of implant …

Aristocrat Breast Augmentation

Q&A: Not Able to Do Breast Fat Transfer, What’s my Choice After Fibroadenoma Removal?

“I am 30 years old and having a fibrodenoma in my breast for years. Since it grew big during pregnancy (10cmx8cmx3cm), my doctor decided to remove it, that will leave me a funny shape. They do not provide breast fat transfer in Canada, not even DEIP flap in the province I live. what could I do? I really do not …