Dr Kevin Tehrani

Plastic surgery more popular in China

Large, luminous eyes, a delicate nose and softly sculpted cheekbones. This is the image of beauty as perceived in China, writes the New York Times. Aesthetic surgery is becoming more and more popular in Asia, particularly in China where plastic surgery is “the fourth most popular way to spend discretionary income,” after houses, cars and travel, says China’s vice health …

Aristocrat Brazilian Butt Lift

Cellulite explained by Dr. Tehrani in New Beauty Magazine

Beneath the skin are columns of fibrous tissue that are surrounded by fat cells. “When those columns, known as septi, become imbalanced and the fat cells begin to bulge through (the columns don’t stretch to accommodate the fat), cellulite arises,” says New York and Great Neck, NY, plastic surgeon Kevin Tehrani, MD. “Because of its vertical nature, it allows small …