
Q&A: How Do I Decide Between Lap Flap And Implants or TUG Flap Surgery?

“I had a bi-lateral mastectomy in 12/11 and radiation on the left side. I’m now considering reconstruction. I am small – 5’3/4″ and 103 lbs. One doctor recommends TUG flaps. Another said it would be a close call whether I have enough to spare on my thighs even for small breasts; he’s suggesting lat flaps and implants (no expanders). How …

woman in sand

Q&A: Opinions on Fat Transfer Or Breast Augmentation After Nuss Procedure?

“I am almost 21 years old. I had a nuss procedure done when I was 17 and I’ve had it removed. My haller index was 4.5 prior to surgery so my pectus excavatum was severe. I feel like I am disproportionate. I have an identical twin who grew up normally with no pectus and she is a full C where …

Aristocrat Liposcution

Q&A: TUBA Done While Having a Tummy Tuck, is This Ok?

“I’m having my mommy makeover in 8/8/13, breast augmentation, tummy tuck with hernia repair. Will have saline implants. My plastic surgery advised me that he was intending to do my breast augmentation via TUBA since I’m having a full tummy tuck… Is this a good idea? Sounds good, but I’m not a plastic surgery? Thank you.”, a RealSelf user asked. …

woman buttoning bra

Q&A: What Projection/CC Without Getting Too Large?

“I want a natural look – to me that means they are not too large, not obvious implants& have a natural slope at top. I have a “nice fold” on each breast, but the tops have dimpling/atrophy due to kids. My PS has recommended HP250-375 submuscular. 325 is the largest I can imagine after trying them on, but I’m worried …

Fashionable female portrait of cute lady in white robe indoors

Q&A: Would 360 or 380cc Round HP Implants Improve my Breasts?

“I’m 5’2 110 lbs with BWD 12.3cm left and 13cm right. I got 300cc round smooth silicone mods 12cm wide sub pec 7 months ago. I need revision surgery to fix bottom of left capsule. Considering a size increase since I need surgery anyway. My plastic surgeon suggested the new mentor ‘siltex’ silicone round HP 360cc or 380cc unders. Will …

Aristocrat Liposcution

Q&A: Why Does my Stomach Do This? Do I Need a Tummy Tuck?

“I am a 32 year old mom of 3, 5’3”, 115 lbs. Two big babies and one smaller, all csections. My stomach after baby #3 has never returned to “normal” for me. It looks decent when I’m standing up straight. But, it does a weird thing when I bend over and I’m not sure if this is diastatis, the fascia …

Aristocrat Liposuction

Q&A: I Need a Plastic Surgery That Creates Belly Buttons?

“I had an umbilical float tummy tuck, but need to convert to full tummy tuck. I will lose my belly button. I can’t find a surgeon that has “created” belly buttons successfully. Can someone recommend one? Preferably on the west coast. Thanks.”, a RealSelf user asked. “Thank you for asking a very interesting and important question. You would likely have …

Aristocrat Breast Fat Transfer

Q&A: Tummy Tuck or Fleur Di Les Incision?

“Would I be better with a standard tummy tuck or fleur di les incision?”, a RealSelf user asked. “You are a very good candidate for a Lateral Tension Abdominoplasty. In this type of Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck more aggressive skin tightening is possible by making a very low bikini incision and tightening the skin above the navel. This will obviate …

Aristocrat Brazilian Butt Lift

Q&A: Could There Be Any Issue With Butt Implants During Airport Screening?

“Apologies if this seems like a strange question, but I will be traveling quite extensively after my procedure/ recovery, and need to consider any issues that may arise. Given butt implants are a solid material, is there any potential that these could create an anomaly during a body scan at the airport? Would it be prudent to carry a letter …